Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tuna Noodle Casserole


1 bag extra-wide egg noodles
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can tuna
potato chips

Prepare noodles according to package directions, drain. In casserole dish combine tuna and cream of mushroom soup. Add noodles. Crush potato chips and sprinkle on top, at least enough to cover the noodles. Bake at 350 for 1/2 hour or microwave on high for 12 minutes.

Such a simple dish, but everyone has their own twist - I've even heard of someone adding peas which I think sounds terrible and I totally love peas. I really don't like any other version. This has become a total comfort food for me. My mom used to make it for lunch for my sisters and me whenever school was out for the summer. Now I make it for my daughters and I think about Mom every time I make it. My girls call it "Chip Noodles" and they love it.
Mom died 30 years ago and yesterday was her birthday and she would have been 70. I fixed Chip Noodles for dinner and the girls and I ate the whole thing. It makes me happy to think that K and D will someday use this same recipe to share with their kids and they'll think of me.

1 comment:

  1. One time you told me about putting potato chips on top of your casserole. I thought it sounded pretty nummy so that's what I do now. Every time I make it I think of you and my Mom. Mom always added some Parmesan cheese on top of hers. So we have a blend. This is also too damn funny because I decided earlier this morning to fix tuna casserole for dinner tonight! Love to you all.
